Channel 4- Preserving Diversity

14:44 April 0 Comments

Channel 4 recently launched their 'True Colour TV' advert, when I first saw it I immediately thought about the set up of the channel and how its aims were to represent Britain. I think that this advert and the creation of Channel 4 itself shows how Britain aims to promote cultural diversity. Channel 4 often tries to show society in all its diversity- whether this is different ethnicities, sexualities, beliefs or ability. 

In 2015 Channel 4 launched its 360 Diversity Charter. The main aims of the charter were... 
- "New in-house employee diversity targets for all Channel 4 staff with specific targets for the top 120 leaders to address diverse representation at a senior level within the organisation." 
- "The introduction of Commissioning Diversity Guidelines, which have been developed in collaboration with Pact and will ensure that every new Channel 4 commissioned programme in every genre works towards increasing diverse participation on and off-screen."
- "Funding seven diverse Deputy Commissioning Editors over two years in conjunction with the CDN Commissioner Development Programme, with each person working for one year within the Channel 4 commissioning team."
- "Investing in a new generation of on and off-screen disabled talent for Rio 2016. Building on the success of the on-screen talent launched in London 2012, Channel 4 will recruit 30 production trainees with disabilities who will be given extensive training on 4’s Production Training Scheme and, alongside two new disabled presenters, will work on Channel 4’s production and broadcast of the Rio 2016 Paralympics."
- "Leadership objective setting and incentivisation to ensure that all Channel 4’s senior managers and editorial staff have specific and measurable diversity objectives and that their success in meeting them is linked to annual variable pay."
- "Investing in, and growing the scale, of indies led by BAME entrepreneurs and those from other diverse backgrounds with the Channel 4 Growth Fund; and continuing to invest in development funding with small diverse creative enterprises with the £2m Alpha Fund."